Thursday, December 15, 2011


 Hi i'm Morgan, I did this blog because I need a place to talk about things I cant tell anybody else:) im 13 and I love ALMOST everybody:) im super nice ( most of the time) and love animals , hanging out with my friends , and being with my boyfriend ;)  Also gonna try to put up new blog everyday :)so without boring you any more Ill start my blog :)

Doesnt everybody have that one friend in there life that they cant STAND but love to death???? well mine is my best friend love her to peices but she is stealing all my friends and she thinks she knows them better then me and she doesnt I just wanna punch her face in and scream " you dont know them I introduced you to them if it wasnt for me you would be a nobody loser just like you were before" she would most likley cry and most everybody agrees with me . we gave her a nickname and we said NOBODY else could call her that whats she do  she tells EVERYBODY to call her that and I mean EVERYBODY I wish I could just tell her how annoying she really is....... got any tips to help email me at of look me up on facebook Morgan Faith Faddis follow me on twitter :)

Love, Morgan